Gun violence is an unsettling issue that affects any and all people that it comes in contact with. Handguns were not designed to put food on the table. For that reason alone I have decided to create exact replicas of the actual firearms that have been used in mass shootings. Working closely with law enforcement officials I have made molds of the actual objects that were used in such crimes. After the mold is taken the replica is created from compressed powdered agricultural graphite (used when planting seeds). The now graphite gun emerges from the mold and a writing instrument is born.
Using the theory that the pen is mightier than the sword. Participants use the graphite writing instruments, the less image of gun it becomes. Taking the power from the object and giving it back to the people. The space becomes an outlet for people to add to and communicate effectively, allowing unbridled authorship. Thus taking us all a step closer to love and one further from hate.

Price $0.00
Creation Date September 2023
Pencil/Colored Pencil
MDF Panel